Water Quality Issues and Solutions in Riverview, Florida
Riverview is a rapidly growing suburb located in Hillsborough County, Florida. With a population of over 85,000 residents, providing clean and safe drinking water is a top priority. However, Riverview faces some unique water quality challenges that require specialized treatment solutions.
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Overview of Riverview, FL
Founded in 1885, Riverview was originally an agricultural community known for its strawberry farms. Over the past few decades, it has experienced explosive growth as part of the Tampa Bay metro area. New homes and businesses continue to sprout up across this once-rural landscape.
Despite the development boom, Riverview has worked to maintain its small-town charm. The community takes pride in its history and natural amenities like the Alafia River and Buffalo Creek. Parks and nature preserves provide opportunities for outdoor recreation. The annual Riverview Strawberry Festival draws visitors from across the state.
While growth provides economic benefits, it also strains local infrastructure. Providing sufficient clean water is an ongoing challenge in Riverview. Local water supplies face contamination from a variety of sources. Treatment solutions must address issues like:
Sediment and turbidity
Lead and copper corrosion
Disinfection byproducts
Fertilizer runoff
Septic/wastewater impacts
Saltwater intrusion
Understanding these potential contaminants and causes will help identify the best solutions for Riverview residents.
Potential Drinking Water Contaminants
Riverview’s drinking water comes from a blend of groundwater wells and treated surface water. The primary sources are the Alafia River, Bullfrog Creek, and the Floridan Aquifer. While these sources provide an abundant supply, contamination can occur:
Microbiological Contaminants
Bacteria - E. coli, coliform
Viruses - enteric, hepatitis A
Parasites - Giardia, Cryptosporidium
Bacteria, viruses, and parasites are concerning microbiological contaminants. They can cause severe gastrointestinal illness. Septic tanks, wastewater treatment plants, and animal/wildlife waste can introduce pathogenic microbes. Proper disinfection is critical to prevent disease outbreaks.
Inorganic Contaminants
Inorganic contaminants like heavy metals and excessive fluoride can leach from natural deposits. Lead and copper most often come from corrosion of plumbing materials. Fertilizer runoff introduces high levels of nitrates. These can cause health issues ranging from neurological effects to “blue baby syndrome”.
Organic Contaminants
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) - solvents, fuel hydrocarbons
Synthetic Organic Compounds (SOCs) - pesticides, herbicides
Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) - trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids
Petroleum compounds - MTBE, benzene, toluene
Manmade organic chemicals are concerning due to their toxicity and prevalence. Gasoline additives like MTBE can contaminate groundwater supplies. Pesticides and herbicides from agricultural use seep into surface waters. Chlorination forms carcinogenic disinfection byproducts. Treatment systems must remove these hazardous compounds.
Aesthetic Issues
Hardness - calcium, magnesium ions
Iron and manganese
Sulfides - “rotten egg smell”
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Turbidity and particulates
While not directly hazardous, aesthetic issues impact drinking water quality. Hardness causes scale buildup and soaps not to lather. Iron and manganese cause stains. Sulfides produce foul odors. Particles make water appear cloudy. Treatment helps improve palatability and appearance.
Emerging Contaminants
Pharmaceuticals - antibiotics, hormones, drugs
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
Endocrine disruptors - phthalates, phytoestrogens
An emerging concern is contaminants like pharmaceuticals, PFAS “forever chemicals”, and microplastics. Even at very low levels, these compounds can have hormonal and other health effects. Advanced treatment processes may be needed to remove emerging contaminants not addressed by standard methods.
Potential Well Water Contaminants
In addition to public water supplies, many Riverview homes use private wells accessing groundwater. Typical contaminants found in local well water include:
Bacteria - E. coli, total coliform
Nitrates and phosphates
Heavy metals - arsenic, lead, mercury
Petroleum compounds - MTBE, benzene
Hydrogen sulfide - rotten egg odor
Hardness - calcium, magnesium
Iron and manganese
Pesticides and herbicides
Wells are prone to bacterial contamination from surface infiltration. Nearby septic systems can leach nutrients and microbes into aquifers. While city water is disinfected, well owners need to take precautions like shock chlorination and UV disinfection. Proper construction and maintenance helps reduce contamination risks.
Water Treatment Solutions for Riverview
Addressing Riverview’s complex water quality issues requires a multifaceted treatment approach. A combination of different systems provides optimal protection for homes and businesses.
Whole House Filtration
Whole house filtration using media like granulated activated carbon (GAC) is ideal for reducing chemicals, chlorine, particulates, and other contaminants. These systems filter all cold water feeds throughout the home. They remove VOCs, SOCs, sediment, and improve taste and odor. Low maintenance options like the AquaBlue Whole House Filter System are available.
UV Disinfection
UV systems provide highly effective and chemical-free disinfection against bacteria, viruses, and protozoan cysts. Whole house units like the AquaGuard UV SYSTEM inactivate pathogens without producing harmful byproducts.
Water Softeners
Water softeners are critical for removing hardness and preventing scale buildup. Ion exchange softeners like the AquaLux Water Softener replace hardness minerals with sodium ions. This makes water less corrosive and improves efficiency of soaps and detergents.
Reverse Osmosis Filtration
Reverse osmosis (RO) units like the AquaRevive provide advanced filtration for drinking water and ice makers. RO removes dissolved solids, heavy metals, nitrates and more. The multi-stage process also effectively treats emerging contaminants.
Iron & Sulfur Removal
Excess iron and sulfur are common well water issues in Florida. Oxidizing filters like the AquaCarbonGuard use Katalox Light media to eliminate metallic tastes and smells. These systems prevent staining and clear up cloudy, rotten egg water.
Chlorine Injection
Chlorine injection systems provide regulated disinfection for private wells and municipal systems. Chemical feed pumps like the Retention Tank + Chlorine Injection System help maintain a proper chlorine residual to combat microbes.
Ozone Treatment
Ozone is a powerful disinfectant effective against bacteria, viruses, and cysts. It also removes iron, sulfur, and organic contaminants. Hydroclear Ozone Generators combined with filtration keep well water safe and good tasting.
Well Water Treatment
Specialized systems are designed to handle contaminants often found in wells. The WellFusion Well Water Treatment System combines filtration, ozone, and UV to solve issues like bacteria, hydrogen sulfide, hardness, iron, and manganese in one integrated package.
Commercial Water Treatment
Industrial and commercial applications have unique water quality needs. Scale prevention, corrosion control, and high-capacity filtration keep operations running smoothly. Complete solutions from the HydroTech Pro Series improve water quality for offices, restaurants, manufacturing, hospitality, healthcare facilities, and institutional clients.
Riverview’s water supplies face an array of potential contaminants that require specialized treatment. Aqua-Wise Water Treatment Solutions offers a comprehensive suite of systems to address issues ranging from lead and bacteria to iron, manganese, chlorine, and hardness. Advanced options also reduce emerging contaminants of concern.
Ensuring your home or business has clean, safe water for drinking and everyday use is a top priority. For a free customized water analysis and treatment recommendations for Riverview properties, schedule your water test today. The water experts at Aqua-Wise look forward to assisting with all your water treatment needs.
EPA Drinking Water Contaminants
Filtrated Soft Water Solves Many Problems
Hard water can cause a wide range of problems that affect various aspects of daily life and household functions. Here is a comprehensive list of the issues that hard water can cause: